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Animal Success Stories

Happy pets 

HAPPY TAILS!                           

We love hearing updates about our former rescues from their forever families.  If you have adopted a pet from Rose's Rescue and would like to submit his or her story for our Happy Tails page, please send it to, put Happy Tails in the subject line, and don't forget to include a picture!

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

I work at the prison and see a lot of cell dogs going through the program, but when I saw Herbie it was love at first sight. We waited for him to finish his training then brought him to his new forever home. He has been with us for almost two years now and was very well trained despite the rough start he had as a puppy. He feels secure in his crate when we have to leave him, but he spends a LOT of time snuggling and giving kisses. His Golden brother accepted him very well and they play hard but settle down and get along great. It's a good thing we have a lot of room for him to run because he loves to turn on the jets and propel his little 35 pounds around like a rocket...and he's always up for an unbeatable game of keep away! One of his favorite things is going for rides and comes along every time we can take him. We're so glad Herbie came to live with us. He has brought so much love into our lives it's no wonder he was named Herbie...He's a true "Love Bug"! Thanks Rose's !!!!!