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Animal Success Stories

Happy pets 

HAPPY TAILS!                           

We love hearing updates about our former rescues from their forever families.  If you have adopted a pet from Rose's Rescue and would like to submit his or her story for our Happy Tails page, please send it to, put Happy Tails in the subject line, and don't forget to include a picture!

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

My family & I adopted our second kitty from Rose's Rescue just over two years ago. Her name is Rita. I can honestly say, adopting Rita, has proven to be, one of the best (and most rewarding) decisions we've ever made. Amber Evans had been Rita's foster Momma for several months. Amber spent countless, sleepless nights caring for Rita and nursing her back to health. Amber has shared with me, that there were many days she feared Rita wouldn't survive. But, our girl had a will and spirit to live that proved to overcome every obstacle she faced. Without Rose's Rescue and Amber ~ hope for Rita would have been non-existent. I will never know Rita's entire story, nor why anyone in this world could/would have neglected this beautiful, amazing soul. So, I want to thank you!!! Thank you for all that you do and all that you will continue to do! Your dedication & your purpose is appreciated ~ more than you'll ever know! I've attached some photos of Miss Rita ~ from the beginning, and today. Rita is loved beyond measure. She has blessed our lives and continues to give us great joy! Thank you Rose's Rescue and Thank you Amber Evans!!! You are truly life savers 😘