Chihuahua (short coat) : : Male (not neutered) : : Baby : : Small
About Jackson - Chihuahua Pup | |
Here is Jackson - a 9 week old Chihuahua puppy. He weighs 4 lb 15 oz. now and will get a little bigger but will always be a small dog. He is shy but likes to be held. He loves to play with toys and balls. He is still just learning about the world and all of the new smells and sounds. He is a puppy so will have to be trained and cannot be expected to "hold it" for very long. If you are looking for a sweet boy please consider Jackson.
If interested, you can easily fill out an adoption application by clicking here: adoption application
For anyone viewing this on Petfinder, if you are interested in adopting this animal you will need to go to our website to fill out the online adoption application. You can usually find more pictures of the animals there too. Click on our name "Roses Rescue" in blue above to be taken directly to our website.
Other Pictures of Jackson - Chihuahua Pup (click to see larger version):